Septic Tanks
After Tank Pumping It is important to seed the tank after pumping to restart the biological process lost during the removal of the tank contents. After pumping, wait one week, then mix 2lbs of Bio-Clean (1 can) with 5 gallons of warm water. Add mixture directly to tank. If you cannot access the tank flush down toilet closest to the tank.
If Tank has not been pumped for 2+ years Mix 2lbs of Bio-Clean (1 can) with 5 gallons of warm water and apply directly to the solids side of the septic tank for 3 consecutive nights (3 cans total). If the tank is not accessible, flush down toilet closest to the tank.
Maintenance Dosage – Flush ½ cup of Bio-Clean down toilet per month (Use ¼ cup if drains are being treated monthly). No premixing in water necessary.
Drainage Field Restoration
For each 50ft of lateral line, mix 1lb of Bio-Clean with 5 gallons of warm water and apply directly to drain field through distribution box or clean out.
If a distribution box or clean out is not available, mix 1lb of Bio-Clean with 8 gallons of warm water then apply to the effluent side of your septic tank.
If your septic tank is not accessible, mix 1lb of Bio-Clean with 10 gallons warm water and apply to the indoor drain or toilet nearest the out pipe to the septic tank.
*Repeat the selected method above every week, until 3 – 6 containers have been used.